Posts tagged with 'Musings'

A visitor’s guide to Toronto

I was lucky enough to get the chance to come and work and live in Toronto for 4 months. Since I'm about to get shipped off home, I thought it might be useful to put together some info and tips about (aboot) living here. Bear in mind that I've been living downtown, so this is very much from a non-suburbs point of…


Thanks for the memories, eh

It’s amazing how quickly four months can pass. It seems like no time at all since I had to don the heavy coat, gloves and scarf to head in to the IBI Group Toronto office for orientation but, here I am now at the last day of my secondment and only a few days before leaving the country. To be honest, I'm absolutely…


Certa Cito

So, my work does a weekly internal newsletter where they include a staff profile. This week it was my turn. The questions towards the end were submitted by colleagues. You'll probably be able to tell where the standard questions end and those begin. Name: Kevin Wilson Position in Company: Consultant / .NET Developer…


Not enough time in the world

I like learning new things. I've been like that as far as I can remember, from getting a “How Does It Work?” massive textbook-like tome when I was about 8 or 9 which, despite the intonation of the title, actually did a pretty good job of explaining how things actually worked from how they made Christopher Reeves fly…


FAQs About Moving to Canada

Just since various people have asked me: 1. Where are you going? To work out of my company’s head office in Toronto for a few months. 2. Why Canada? I've always wanted to visit there and to try living and working in another country so this is a perfect combination of both. 3. What about your wife? She’s coming with…


doing a dave (part 1)

I’ve just finished reading “Are You Dave Gorman?” where Dave and his flatmate Danny travel the world trying to meet his (Dave’s) namesakes so thought I’d try and put together a list of the other Kevin Wilsons out there. Or, at least, the ones with websites. This should also be handy for the dozen or so people who come…
