Posts tagged with 'Azure'

Authorize Your Azure AD Users With SignalR

As with pretty much everything in the ADAL packages, this is something that seems like it should be pretty straight-forward, but isn't. Before we go on to SignalR, we need to have a look at how we access a Web API endpoint that requires authentication from JavaScript. If you're already familiar with AD and bearer…


Switch Out Your Raygun API Key Depending on Web API Cloud Configuration

Raygun is an excellent tool that lets you know about more errors in your app than you would ever dare to fear were present. Configuration is easy: install the NuGet package, add a couple of lines to your web.config and you’re ready to go. When done, your config file will include: <section name="RaygunSettings" …


Publishing a Node.js Express App to Windows Azure

Windows Azure has really come on in the past few months. With the new management dashboard, support for other web technologies (even horrible ones like PHP) and removal of Silverlight, it’s actually become a pleasure to use. One of the new supported technologies is Node.js. I'll not go into the reasons for using Node…
