Posts tagged with '.NET'

Authorize Your Azure AD Users With SignalR

As with pretty much everything in the ADAL packages, this is something that seems like it should be pretty straight-forward, but isn't. Before we go on to SignalR, we need to have a look at how we access a Web API endpoint that requires authentication from JavaScript. If you're already familiar with AD and bearer…


Get Your Web API Playing Nicely With SignalR on OWIN with Autofac

Niche, right? Yes. But this has caused me a day of headaches so posting here to save anyone else from the pain. WebAPI Say we already have Autofac set-up with your WebAPI. So we have something like this: var builder = new…

Provisioning a Windows Server Vagrant box with IIS, .NET 4.5 and Octopus Deploy

As part of testing for our new Continuous Integration set-up, I needed to pull together a bunch of machines for testing deployments. I had planned on using Octopus Deploy to do this so Vagrant seemed like the best choice for getting new machines set up. Provisioning The entry point for creating a Vagrant box is…

.NET Distance Model

I actually put this together a while ago but have just realised I never put it up here. The Problem As part of some of the work I've been doing over the past year or so, we've run into issues dealing with units of distance. The most problematic of these being when an app that was created for a US market had to be…


Enabling bundling and minification support in a .NET 4 application

.NET 4.5 is going to offer support for bundling and minifying content on the server before passing that down to the client. If you want detailed information on what this is, go and read Scott Gu’s blog post about the features. In a nutshell, bundling is combining several files into one combined file and minification…