One Pot Braised Rice with Crayfish

This probably breaks some culinary rules since it’s chicken stock and seafood but I don’t care: I like it.


  • Big saucepan with a lid


  • 200g Long Grain Rice (don’t use basmati)
  • 400ml Chicken Stock
  • 250-300g Ready to Eat Crayfish Tails
  • 1 Onion
  • Butter/Margarine


  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Melt a dollop of butter/margarine in the saucepan and fry the onion over a medium heat until soft.
  3. Give the rice a good rinse then add to the onions. Mix well to coat the rice and let soak for a couple of minutes.
  4. Pour over the stock and mix through. Bring to the boil, cover and let cook for about 14 minutes (or wherever the cooking instructions on the rice says).
  5. Mix the crayfish through the rice.
  6. Serve with crusty, buttered bread.

Ideally you want to undercook the rice very slightly to give it a bit of bite. Basmati goes a bit soggy so I prefer to stick to long grain.

Instead of crayfish, you could use prawns, flaked salmon, chorizo, mushrooms or whatever you fancy.