Posts tagged with 'Continuous Integration'

Use PowerShell to Add Some Logic to Your Build Numbers in TeamCity

TeamCity has a bunch of parameters that you can use to change-up your build number if you want to. Want to add the build count? 1.0.%build.counter% How about adding the branch name as well? How about truncating the branch name at 20 characters to support Semantic…

Deploy a Database Project DacPac using OctopusDeploy and PowerShell

In the past, I've had to write numerous collections of PowerShell scripts to deploy websites to various development servers. Octopus Deploy takes the pain out of that by providing a slick interface that lets you easily set up environments and get your code out to them. One thing that it doesn't handle out of the box…

Use Ant and Closure Compiler to compress every JavaScript file in a project if you have lots of files

In a previous post, I set out how to use an Ant script to run every JavaScript file in a project through the Closure compiler. For the most part, this has been working fine for me. Then I ran it against a project with some 50-odd JavaScript files and it started to throw PermGen OutOfMemoryError errors. So, it needed…

Use Ant and Closure Compiler to compress every JavaScript file in a project

There’s an updated version of this script in this blog post. At work, we use TeamCity to automatically build and deploy to dev projects as we check in changes. One thing that’s always been a bit of a nuisance is dealing with the compression of JavaScript files that we've written for the projects. Developing locally,…