
A Tweet/Toot archive.

Not sure what the Greeks do to lattes to make them so amazingly delicious. Unless it's just because of the fancy glass.

Gotta love Astro.

This is actually the design for this?

Nothing to see here — just testing some worker function stuff.

Penny clearly excited to find out if this Cloudflare pipeline thing actually works... 🤞

Testing the wonderful world of Mastodon -> Cloudflare pipelines. Except with the correct URL this time.

And another test.

Hopes for tomorrow given the hurricane outside:

1. The shed is still in the garden
2. Or most of it is still in the garden
3. Or any bits not in the garden haven't hit anyone's car
4. Or any bits that have caused damage can't be traced back to me

As the only person in my team that lives in Scotland, today's public holiday feels especially cosy.🤪

Oh, you need to post me a replacement? For an eSIM. Nothing else you can do. Yes, you know it's a bad system. I agree.

But you'll waive the £1.50 delivery fee. Well I'd certainly hope so.

I'll get confirmation by text? That's not happening with no SIM either. Yes, lol indeed.

Happy Christmas to you too, EE.

Okay, reset it. Will skip it this time.

Do you want to change to an eSIM? Yeah, makes sense, and saves me having to find one of the jabby metal things.

SIM ready. Enter code to complete transfer. Okay... confirmation that the old SIM is deactivated and... oh, an error. "Try again?" Yes, of course.

Oh you're texting me a code. Well that'll not work since there's no active SIM. Phone customer services then.

"I'll just transfer over to my new phone before Christmas..."

Do you want to transfer your work profile? Yeah, why not. Oh I can't continue until my IT dept at work approve it? Oh, it locks the entire phone until they approve it so the only option is factory reset? Wow.

🎵 It's beginning to look a lot like... the beginning of the Wizard of Oz with additional torrential rain 🎶

I wonder if it's too late to ask Santa for roof tiles.

Aaaaaaaand... relax.

I just completed "Trebuchet?!" - Day 1 - Advent of Code 2023

Lovely hotel. Shame about all the Splicers.

Are there any good, dark roasted, decaf coffee beans anyone can recommend for UK delivery?

Friday night's alright for sampling.

Well done, Barrhead News. 100% ad coverage.